Lecture: Flexible Company – a new opportunity for (family) businesses?

On 7 November 2023, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) in Vienna hosted a lecture and discussion evening with around 150 participants on the topic of “Flexible Company” in the fully booked Rudolf Sallinger Hall, which was organised by the WKÖ and the Austrian Society for Family and Property Law with the aim of providing an overview of the current status of the proposed legislation. At the same time, the advantages and possible need for improvement of the new company form were to be worked out with the participation of the relevant stakeholders.

The Flexible Company is conceived as a new type of company which – if adopted by the legislator – will represent a significant change in Austrian company law.

Our senior partner Stephan Frotz gave one of the three keynote speeches on the ministerial draft for the new law. He dealt with the special features of the structural financial constitution of a Flexible Company, the acquisition of own shares, the conditional capital increase, authorised capital and other forms of financing.

The keynote speeches were followed by a high-calibre panel discussion on the proposed new law, followed by a round of questions.

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