This month, two articles by lawyers of our firm have been published:
The new issue of Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht und angrenzendes Steuerrecht (GES 2023, 160) features the article “Gesellschafts-, zivil- und unternehmensrechtliche Stolperfallen bei Liegenschaftstransaktionen im Wege von Asset Deals” (“Corporate, civil and commercial law pitfalls in real estate transactions by way of asset deals”), written by Florian Wünscher and Paul Schörghofer. The two provide an overview and practical guidance on statutory provisions that are often overlooked in real estate transactions.
Florian Wünscher reports in his article “Die Neufassung des § 10 Abs 2 GmbHG durch das GesDigG 2022” (“The amendment of section 10 para 2 GmbHG by the GesDigG 2022”) in the new issue of ecolex (ecolex 2023, 588) on this amendment, which abolished the requirement to pay the initial capital contributions into an Austrian bank account when founding a GmbH. In this context, practical issues arising from this are also addressed.